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3 Ways Pool Noodles Are Used in the Pool

May 22, 2020

When we typically think of pool noodles, we think about the fun-coloured foam tubes that we use to help keep afloat. For many of us, foam noodles played a large role in teaching us how to swim. Tons of kids - and even adults, rely on pool noodles to keep their heads above water.

But what many of us don’t know is that these bright foam flotation devices are more versatile than we think. 


They are used in a number of swimming-related applications due to their ability to remain buoyant in water. Read on to learn more about 3 swimming-related applications of the common foam noodle.



Foam noodles are made from polyethylene foam. It is for this reason that foam noodles take on so many favourable characteristics. Polyethylene foam is highly buoyant and offers great flexibility without compromising on durability, making them useful in a large range of swimming related activities.



Foam Noodles for Beginner Swimmers

As mentioned above, foam noodles are great for those of us who are learning how to swim. Foam noodles are incredibly buoyant, making for a great floatation device for beginner swimmers to hold on to as they learn how to balance themselves while in the water. Foam noodles can also be used as kickboards for beginner swimmers. Allowing for swimmers to stay afloat while covering distance by kicking their legs in the water. 



Great for Resistance Training

For many, running across the length of a swimming pool is part of their exercise routine. The resistance of the water slows you down as you propel your body forward in the pool. A foam noodle can help you keep your balance as you practice water running because you can rely on it to keep your head above water. 



Use in Water Therapy 

Pool noodles are commonly used for water therapy sessions. Water therapy is great for people who experience a wide range of conditions - from promoting healing, to enhancing their physical performance. The buoyancy of foam noodles enables patients to keep afloat, while gliding through the water at a slow and safe pace.