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4 Critical Signs You Need to Replace Your Polyethylene Foam in Different Applications

August 20, 2020

Polyethylene foam sees extensive use with mattresses, memory foam pillows, and other beddings. However, industrial applications using this material require more fidelity and lifespan to achieve exceptional quality. 

Even the best-made foam can deteriorate and show numerous issues over time, here are four interpretive signs it's time to replace your foam:

Numerous Holes, Rips and Tears

These damages will compromise the performance and material density of your polyethylene foam. Continuous damage will result in performance degradation, which can damage essential equipment it insulates or protects if you do not replace it immediately. You cannot mend holes, rips, and tears on foam unless you're using spray polyurethane foam (SPF), which allows for spray-on application.

Poor Expansion

Polyethylene foam doesn't expand as extensively as open-cell SPF. However, manufacturers expect it to increase its size at a certain extent that remains consistent after you purchase it. Once your foam starts showing shrinkage or inconsistent density, you need to consider replacing the foam. Pillows that have weak expansion due to foam degradation will never provide the proper sleeping support and comfort it promises. 

Lacking Insulation and Vibration Damping

Insulation and vibration are industrial uses for foam. Thanks to its expanding yet accommodating material, it can protect fragile materials during packaging. However, if your supply of protective foam has inconsistent density, you should think twice before using it for transporting fragile items and equipment. Foam upgrades property insulation, too. Additionally, if your property soundproofing and temperature retention are becoming weak, your insulating foam might be the problem.

In Use For More Than 10 Years

If you've installed your foam for insulation or as bedding for more than ten years, it's time for you to replace them as soon as possible. Foam beyond this age has begun to deteriorate and show signs of poor performance.

Replace it With The Products of Exceptional Manufacturers Near You


Alcot Plastics has been providing Ontario with the finest plastic and foam materials for more than 30 years. Contact us today to learn more about everything we can achieve with you today!