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4 Critical Ways Backer Rods Can Save Your Property

April 28, 2021

Foam and plastic have become an integral part of real-estate repair and development. Expanding open or closed-cell polyurethane foam has become exemplary as a roofing material and sidings for commercial properties. However, backer rods, being their residential property counterpart, can do so much for many homes.

Here are four critical ways backers rods are needed for your property:

Immense Wall Siding Damage

If a recent storm damaged your property's wall siding, it leaves your home vulnerable to water damages in the face of torrential rain. With expanding backer rods, contractors can help you quickly fill in huge rainwater entryway gaps and seal the inner areas with caulk hours before the next rainstorm occurs.

Filling Gaps between Logs in Cabin Homes

Outdoor homes are beautiful retreats for when you want to escape the suffocating urban landscape. However, log cabins have their respective challenges, such as the uneven surfaces of log materials making insulation virtually impossible. Thankfully, backer rods can fill in these gaps and expand to their shape accordingly. You can paint closed-cell outdoor-oriented rods to make your cabin's aesthetic seamless too.

Rebuilding Wall Gaps From Unconventional Materials

Like logs for cabins, any homeowner who uses different and uniquely-shaped residential building materials can use a backer rod to fill in large gaps between stacked materials. In doing so, you have guaranteed protection against water damages and can enjoy top-notch insulation for your property.

Heat and Moisture Resistant

Heat and moisture is the primary challenge for many siding and wall materials. With plastic foam-based polyurethane foam, you have a protective material that's resistant to rotting, heat, and moisture. Additionally, it's affordable and easily available from a reliable plastic manufacturer.

Get the Best Rods From Dependable Suppliers

If you have yet to find a reliable manufacturer, you can always count on us at Alcot Plastics to provide you with everything you need. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.