519 767 2899


4 Undeniable Advantages of Foam Screening Spline

October 15, 2020

 A foam screening spline holds the window screen or glass in place. It requires perfect measurements to guarantee a snug fit from screen to frame. Typically, window splines are metal or vinyl. However, when these get damaged, foam screens are excellent replacements. 

Here are four undeniable advantages of using foam screening splines.

UV Resistance

A high-quality foam screening spline is resistant to UV damage. Just like the walls and roof of your property, splines expose themselves to the heat of the sun every single hour of the day. In contrast, they will not harden and freeze during the winter. Although it’s important to note that you only receive these benefits if you’re using well-manufactured ones, such as Alcot Plastics' line of foam screens.

Long-Term Durability and Capability

Excellent manufacturing, such as those adopted by Alcot Plastics, will extend the lifespan and overall longevity to your windows. Your window screens and glass will firmly stay in its frame. Additionally, both screen and frame materials will not suffer from any expansion and contraction issues because of changes in temperature.

Improved Residential Insulation

Foam screen splines upgrade the performance of your double-glazed windows by ensuring it has an air and water-tight seal. Without permeating outside temperatures, these splines remain resilient with the ever-changing weather. This will ultimately contribute to reductions on your utility bill.

Noiseless Window Operation

With a snug fit that handles temperature-related expansion and contractions, operating your windows will be a smooth and noiseless experience. You won't need to worry about loose screens, or glass even, when you open your windows.

It's Easy to Find The Best Splines Near You

Alcot Plastics has decades of experience manufacturing the best splines and other foam and plastic products you need. Contact us today at (519) 767-2899 to learn more about how we can meet your manufacturing needs.