How to Use Pool Noodles
Pool noodles are a must-have for anyone in the process of learning how to swim. They are best for children, with their simple design and light weight. They are made from polyethylene foam, a highly durable and buoyant material that is still soft and light to the touch, thus helping reduce the risk of injury.
It is important to understand that pool noodles are suitable for children who are a little further along their swimming journey. If your child is starting out for the very first time, you may want to consider other swimming aids such as arm floats. You should also be consistently present to supervise your child. Furthermore, while children swimming with pool noodles may need less supervision, you should still keep an eye on them.
Here are four main techniques to practice with pool noodles:
1. Place the pool noodle under one armpit, around the back, and then under the other armpit. In a vertical position, begin practicing your flutter kicks, water sculling, or water treading. Water treading is one of the most important skills to learn as it is the foundation of all swimming.
2. You can also float in a horizontal position, with the pool noodle across your chest and under your armpits. Proceed to practice your flutter kicks and breaststroke kicks. The breaststroke is one of the easiest strokes to learn for beginners.
3. For the backstroke kick, assume a supine position with your arms either extended overhead or by your sides. The pool noodle should be placed behind your neck. This is more advanced and will require more supervision from an experienced swimmer or adult.
4. Finally, for the scissor kick, you should place the pool noodle under the lower armpit as you float in a horizontal side position.
The best thing about pool noodles is their flexibility and versatility. Their shape can be easily changed, allowing you to perform all kinds of exercises without strain, as opposed to other more rigid contraptions such as kickboards. However you choose to use them, make sure you always prioritize safety. Just because a child is using a pool noodle, it does not mean they will be safe from danger. Always keep an eye on your child and be present at all times to assist them. Pool nooodles or other swimming aids are not a replacement for a watchful parent.
Alcot Plastics manufactures the best pool noodles using high grade polyethylene foam. Contact us today to learn more about our products!