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Screening Spline Basics: What to Know About a Foam Screening Spline

September 27, 2017

A foam screening spline is a crucial component in windows that firmly holds the screen onto the frame. It is a material used to securely attach the fitted window screen on its frame. Screening splines come in a range of types and sizes to ensure a precise and accurate fit, and each type of spline has its specific purpose that varies according to different window components. It is essential to use the right type of spline to ensure a perfect and secure screen fit.

Using a Foam Screening Spline for Installing Screens on Windows and Doors

Foam screening splines are durable materials used for repairing and installing screen windows and panels. Since they are easier to manufacture compared to metal and vinyl, they make a better choice for any installation of screens on windows. Foam splines also offer flexibility and they are available in various sizes to provide the right diameter to ensure efficient installation.

Screening splines are also used to lower the cost of home improvement projects. These soft and durable materials are suitable for various screen channels and they can easily slide to perfectly fit the corners, making them very convenient to use.

The Benefits and Advantages of Using Foam Screening Splines

High-Quality Standards - One of the greatest benefits of a foam screening spline is that they are designed and engineered to ensure high-quality standards. They are manufactured to be UV resistant and weather resistant to last longer and provide optimum performance.

Excellent Features - Foam screening splines are also built with excellent features such as remarkable durability, easy installation, excellent screen security and great resistance to shrinkage and expansion caused by the weather. Due to these excellent features, these materials are made to suit any situations and required specifications.

Flexibility and Versatility - These useful and durable materials are very versatile and can be used in various applications. Aside from ensuring a tight and perfect fit of screens to frames, they can also be used in different applications.