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Secure Your Door and Window Screens Using Foam Screening Spline

December 14, 2017

Among the different types of spline, many builders opt to use foam screening spline to hold window and door screens in their frames. This is because there are many advantages that this particular tool provides to construction projects. Its foam material is both pliable and flexible; large-diameter splines can be forced into small channels, giving the screens a more stable support. This type of spline can also be stretched to cover longer distances with surprisingly firm grip.

Foam screening spline is also useful in new constructions or replacement work. In the case of new constructions, it is advised that you buy it with the door frame parts to ensure you get the right diameter for your project. It also helps to purchase a larger size, rather than the exact size for the material, for a bit of extra durability (not to mention in case of mismeasurements!). When installing the spline, be sure to use uniform strokes in a single direction only, and ensure that the screen does not fold or wrinkle. This can be avoided by carefully driving the spline into the channel with the right amount of tension. This will also prevent warping of the window frame. 

Perhaps the most useful element of foam screening spline is the fact that it is protected on screens and frames from weather-related troubles. Many more traditional frames suffer when environmental effects cause a shrinking or expansion of their base, but foam spline will simply adapt to the changing conditions and continue to offer high-quality support.

Ultimately, foam screening spline is one of the best ways to secure a door or window available.

To learn more about this high-quality spline, or to order some for your own projects, give us a call at Alcot Plastics today. For over thirty years, we have been experts for foam and polyethylene products, and would be more than happy to help you with your own work, as a business or at home!