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Soft backer rod construction technology

June 01, 2015

In erecting superior modern concrete structures, you need to allow for adequate expansion and contraction margins within the concrete slabs. Though essential, leaving adequate space for the purpose is in real life almost impossible especially where you may not know the approximate expansion or contraction rates of the materials based on varying temperatures. However, with advanced construction technologies, the use of Soft Backer Rods involves tested and recommended resources for adequate expansion-contraction without any expert engineering savvy. Therefore, all you have to do is use this tech-development that will have all your expansion-contraction cares for your concrete structure catered for adequately.

Soft backer rods are chemically inert rods and come in diameters ranging from 3/8” to 2 ½”. Thus, for the best results, you should consider talking to our staff for adequate guidance before making the purchase. This is necessary as it helps you evade purchasing rods that do not fit your specification. In addition to this, you should carefully purchase the rods with the temperatures in which they are to be used as they work best for temperatures between -900F and 1900F.

In working with advanced engineering processed soft backer rods, it recommended that precaution be taken as to avoid over compression, stretching or use with hot sealants.  This aims at ensuring that the rods retain their excellent natural shape and be able to adequately deliver your expectations. More to this, you should avoid contaminating the rods, locking in frost or lose materials during installation as this may lead to poor results. It’s further recommended that the compression applied on the rods be only between 25 and 50% for optimal results. More to this, the installation should only be installed with a roller, a flat blunt tool that cannot puncture the rods.

Your use of such materials not only guarantees you of excellent results but also give you a peace of mind when looking for an excellent solution that optimizes on your engineering skills. When properly created, quality and superiority of designs give you excellent quality to address any construction challenges in the most deliquescent way possible. Our experience in plastic manufacturing and foam products further gives us a competitive edge in creating and offering market led solutions that the market needs. More to this, our expertise and deep understanding of our customer needs has led us to develop high precision products that every construction project will admire.