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The Main Purpose of using Screening Spline

June 25, 2021

Screening spline has a crucial role when it comes to installing window screens. When fitted into the groove of the window frame, it securely holds the screen material in place, keeping the screen fabric taut while preventing it from coming loose. This product comes in various sizes, due to differences in the thickness of screen materials and the groove space of screen frames.

For top-quality screening spline, Alcot Plastics Ltd. is the right destination, and we are focused on meeting your needs with our available options.

To ensure that the right size is chosen for the particular frame, if available, the supplier can take a look at any spline that was previously in use. This item is created from different materials as well, including hard rubber and hollow core vinyl that can be stretched out, making it easier to work with even if the diameter is larger than the frame. However, many users prefer foam spline due to the benefits of more versatility and its allowance to be compressed, meaning a larger diameter cord is able to be used in different situations.

An additional type of spline

During your search, you most likely have come across different styles of this material. It is possible you will encounter the “T-spline”, which can be used in ultra-thin frames of aluminum storm doors. It locks the material in place more securely compared to regular versions of the product. Before using it, there is a need to acquire the exact size because otherwise, it will not work in a proper manner. Lastly, an important note is that spline can be purchased in rolls that have a similar appearance to electrical wire. 

Alcot Plastics Ltd. manufactures foam screening spline, which offers several benefits over other types. It helps secure windows and doors and remains durable despite being exposed to the elements. The spline can also be custom made by our team to achieve the best match for any of your window or door measurements.