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What are Backer Rods?

June 09, 2021

Backer rods are a type of equipment paired with sealants to close off cracks, joints, or gaps wider than a quarter inch. They are used by contractors to fill joints between tiles and within floors for example. This product can act as a substitute for caulking, and it is composed of foam that is compatible with the surrounding conditions when in use. A backer rod’s rope-like structure will be inserted into a joint to fill a certain portion of it. Following this, the chosen sealant or mortar is applied for finishing purposes. A closed cell backer rod and open cell backer rod are the two main options, and they can be placed either vertically or horizontally.

Alcot Plastics Ltd. offers a wide variety of backer rods, and we are determined to meet the needs of our clients with the products we specialize in.

A backer rod with an open-celled design is flexible and less dense, allowing compression and a well-suited fit in joints situated indoors. On the other hand, the closed cell backer rod is firmer and has an increased density. These characteristics make it suitable for outdoor sealing and heavy duty tasks, and it helps provide some waterproofing effect when concrete pieces or walk paths are being sealed.

More on backer rod use

Within packaging, this product comes in different sizes, based on the diameter of the rods. Due to their foam material, they also have an affordable price tag. When used together with sealants, a backer rod serves as a depth limit, in order for a uniform seal to be achieved. Lastly, the rigidity of this item is influenced by the chemical and physical properties that the foam material holds.

Browse our website and contact us today for more information about backer rods, and how Alcot Plastics Ltd. can support your business with our high-quality products and service.