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Wonderful Crafts You Can Create Out of Pool Noodles

April 12, 2018

Pool noodles, as the name suggests, are originally created to be used in pools for swimming, floating, water playing, and aquatic activities. They are available in a variety of colors and sizes, with standard diameter ranging from 2 ½" to 3 ½". This cylindrical material is made from foam, which is very versatile. Taking it out from the pool, you can find almost limitless uses for it with only your imagination as the limit.


Pool noodles are safe for children to use and will make a great toy, crafty artwork for any project, small or large, and even serve as edge protectors.


 Here are the top 5 creative and fun crafts and hacks to do with this foam material which your children and the whole family will surely love.   


Crafty hack #1: Create a beautiful wreath - Just simply tape the two ends of a pool noodle together to have a circle ready to be turned into an attractive decoration. You can use any other materials such as fabrics and leaves to make a stylish statement.


Crafty hack #2: Prevent doors from slamming - Slice a good length of a noodle and slide it over the edge of your doors. This simple hack will protect fingers to be slammed. Apart from preventing the door from latching, it will not peel off paint or leave any gooey residue on the latch.


Crafty hack #3: Keep the shape of your boots - Unlike real pasta, pool noodles work far better in holding the shapes of boots. Cut a length with the same height of your boots and place it inside for a wrinkle free storage.   


Crafty hack #4: Make a safety and affordable lightsaber - Show your inner Jedi with safe lightsabers made from a pool noodle. You don’t have to worry about the injury this toy will cause to your kids. Instead, let them play endlessly with it. Just be a little more creative in putting a hilt or a personalized design over it.


Crafty hack #5: Create a soft playhouse - It always pays off in knowing that your children are safely playing anytime. Provide them a makeshift housing tent using pool noodles with no sharp edges. You can use tape to secure the sides for easy tear down and reassembly. 


There are other endless uses and it’s up to you how to turn them into something more incredible than just being a foam. Alcot Plastics provides you a high quality and wide variety of pool noodles for a much more fun creations and life hacks that you will truly treasure and enjoy.